Android: Netrunner - Chrome City
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From the publisher's website:
Lopez is part of a fast-growing community in Chrome City and across the West Coast. They call themselves chromeheads, and they wear their implants as fashion accessories.
Function breeds fashion in Chrome City, the third Data Pack in the SanSan Cycle for Android: Netrunner! Sixty new cards (three copies each of twenty individual cards) introduce players to the northern SanSan borough of Chrome City. Here, among the sketchy chop shops planted in the shadow of Haas-Bioroid’s genetics division, a growing community of chromeheads have begun to transform cybernetics into fashion statements.
If the surgery’s good, the latest cybernetics don’t just make you trendy; they also make you smarter, stronger, and more resilient. But a bad chopper’s just as likely to cause you irreparable brain damage as outfit you for the runways. Accordingly, Chrome City and its cybernetic hardware introduce a volatile mixture of risks and rewards, many of which are centered around protecting or damaging the Runner’s brain.
Numero di giocatori | 2 |
Scalabilità | Nessun voto |
Durata | 45 Min |
Età | 14+ / Nessun voto |
Peso (difficoltà) | 3.00 / 5 - Medio-Pesante |
Prezzo MSRP | N/A € |
Editore: Giochi Uniti
Anno pubblicazione: 2015
Dipendenza lingua: Alta
Autori: Richard Garfield, Lukas Litzsinger
Artisti: Aaron Agregado + altri 4
Stampa scheda
Titolo | Android: Netrunner - Chrome City |
Categoria | Giochi da Tavolo |
Tipo di gioco | Espansione |
Stato | In produzione |
Editore | Giochi Uniti |
Prezzo MSRP | € N/A |
Voto della community di BoardGameGeek | 8.2 |
Target | Giochi per Casual Gamers |
Tipologia | Giochi di Carte Living Card Game Strategie di Inganno Trivia |
Scalabilità | Nessun voto |
Peso | Medio-Pesante |
Tematiche | Cyberpunk Fantascienza |
Meccaniche | Azioni - Punti Azione Carte (meccaniche) - Gestione Mano Ordine di Turno - Fasi Intervallate vs Sequenziali |
Dipendenza dalla lingua | Alta |
Anno di pubblicazione | 2015 |
Giocatori minimi | 2 |
Giocatori massimi | 2 |
Età | 14+ |
Durata minima | 45 min |
Durata massima | 45 min |
Artisti | James Ives Abrar Ajmal Sara Diesel Hannah Christenson Aaron Agregado |
Autori | Richard Garfield Lukas Litzsinger |
ID BoardGameGeek | 172620 |
Link pagina BoardGameGeek | https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/172620/android-netrunner-chrome-city https://boardgamegeek.com/... |
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