
Android: Netrunner - The Universe of Tomorrow

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From the publisher's website: Who's developing tomorrow's hottest technologies? What did you never know you needed, but will soon find utterly indispensible? At the Universe of Tomorrow expo, you'll find tens of thousands of brands on display, featuring everything from the trendiest new sportswear to the latest in cybernetics. Join us today for a peek at tomorrow. The future is now! What do the world's largest and wealthiest megacorps have cooking in their R&D departments? You don't need to run to find out. All their latest projects are on display at The Universe of Tomorrow, the sixth and final Data Pack in the SanSan Cycle for Android: Netrunner. Its sixty cards (three copies each of twenty different cards) transport you to the expo's plazas and pavilions, where all the major players are eager to unveil their latest innovations. While Haas-Bioroid shows off its newest cybernetics at the Cybernetics Court and NBN pitches new products in Franchise City, you'll find Jinteki showing off its work at the Genetics Pavilion and the Weyland Consortium garnering public support for its newest initiatives at the Worlds Plaza. Still, you'll find others who aren't swayed by the expo's optimism and shiny veneer. These include the game's Runners, who approach the expo and its technologies in their own fashions. In The Universe of Tomorrow, the game's Anarchs push to wrest control of the expo away from those who created it while Shapers view it as a place of wonder and an opportunity to learn more about themselves. Meanwhile, the game's Criminals see the expo as yet another opportunity to turn a profit.
Numero di giocatori 2
Scalabilità Nessun voto
Durata 45 Min
Età 14+ / Nessun voto
Peso (difficoltà) 3.00 / 5 - Medio-Pesante
Prezzo MSRP N/A €
Editore: Giochi Uniti
Anno pubblicazione: 2015
Dipendenza lingua: Alta
Artisti: Víctor Garcia + altri 2


Stampa scheda
Titolo Android: Netrunner - The Universe of Tomorrow
Categoria Giochi da Tavolo
Tipo di gioco Espansione
Stato In produzione
Editore Giochi Uniti
Prezzo MSRP € N/A
Voto della community di BoardGameGeek 8.2
Target Giochi per Casual Gamers
Tipologia Giochi di Carte
Living Card Game
Strategie di Inganno
Scalabilità Nessun voto
Peso Medio-Pesante
Tematiche Cyberpunk
Meccaniche Azioni - Poteri Variabili
Azioni - Punti Azione
Carte (meccaniche) - Gestione Mano
Dipendenza dalla lingua Alta
Anno di pubblicazione 2015
Giocatori minimi 2
Giocatori massimi 2
Età 14+
Durata minima 45 min
Durata massima 45 min
Artisti Andreas Zafiratos
Maciej Rebisz
Víctor Garcia
Autori Richard Garfield
Lukas Litzsinger
ID BoardGameGeek 176426
Link pagina BoardGameGeek https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/176426/android-netrunner-the-universe-of-tomorrow https://boardgamegeek.com/...