
Crash Cup Karambolage

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In Crash Cup Karambolage, the players have to prove their skill and willingness to take risks in three different challenges. The goal of all three games is to use the string to flick the vehicles along the racetrack. The player who proves herself to be the most courageous and most willing to take risks will have the best chance of winning. Players can feel the racetrack vibrating with six of the best racers fighting for victory today: Larry Leadfoot straightens his helmet, Thea Rocket revs up the engine, Captain Karacho is raring to make tracks ... and off they go! Who will taste victory? You can feel the racetrack vibrating - six of the best racers are fighting for victory today: Larry Leadfoot straightens his helmet, Thea Rocket revs up the engine, Captain Karacho is raring to make tracks, and off they go! The goal of all three game variations is to use the string to flick the vehicles along the racetrack. The player who proves themselves to be the most courageous and most willing to take risks will have the best chance of landing at the top of the podium! A fast-paced, action-packed flicking game for 2-4 players, ages 6-99. A popular and classic HABA game with over 100,000 copies sold in Europe, in a brand new design! Sample Game 1: How to play Take turns based on the order of the starting numbers. The player with the lowest starting number starts and rolls both dice. What do the dice show? • Two matching colors Throw the dice again. • Two different colors Take the flicking string and try to flick the race car matching the color on one of the die to another race car of the other color. Important: It mustn't come into contact with any another vehicles! Did you hit the right vehicle, and not touch another one in the process? • Yes: Brilliant! Take the gray trophy and put it on top of your own trophy, then advance one space towards the target. Whenever you have successfully flicked, you can choose between two options: 1. Take a risk and carry on: Roll both dice again and continue as described above. 2. Score points and end your turn; put your trophy in the place of the gray trophy and place the gray trophy back next to the points bar. • No: That's too bad! No points. If the gray trophy is displaying points that you already won, then you lose these points and the gray trophy is placed back next to the points bar. The player with the next starting number then takes their turn. Before rolling the dice, the player must fi rst check to see whether the distance between the sideline banners and the racing cars is at least the length of the short side of the drift block. If this is not the case, then the player may move the race cars accordingly. End of the game The game ends when a player managers to reach the last space or beyond on the points bar with their trophy, and by doing so they win the "Rumble Rage". Tips for experienced Rumble Racers: • Double points: If you roll two of the same color and the gray trophy is already showing one or more points, then your go will score double points. Drag the gray trophy forward the exact same number of spaces that separate it from your trophy, then roll again. • Drifting: If you use the drift block during your fl ick and it works, i.e. the fi rst vehicle bounces off the drift block before it hits the second vehicle, then you get an extra point and are allowed to move the gray trophy one space forward. • Side banner crash: If you touch another vehicle with an outer band, then you do not receive any points and your turn ends immediately.
Numero di giocatori 2-4
Scalabilità Nessun voto
Durata 15 Min
Età 6+ / Nessun voto
Peso (difficoltà) 1.00 / 5 - Leggero
Prezzo MSRP N/A €
Editore: HABA
Anno pubblicazione: 2015
Autori: Heinz Meister
Artisti: Susanne Wagner


Stampa scheda
Titolo Crash Cup Karambolage
Categoria Giochi da Tavolo
Tipo di gioco Gioco base
Stato In produzione
Editore HABA
Prezzo MSRP € N/A
Voto della community di BoardGameGeek 6
Target Giochi per Bambini
Giochi per Famiglie
Tipologia Azione / Destrezza
Corsa agli Obiettivi
Scalabilità Nessun voto
Peso Leggero
Anno di pubblicazione 2015
Giocatori minimi 2
Giocatori massimi 4
Età 6+
Durata minima 15 min
Durata massima 15 min
Artisti Susanne Wagner
Autori Heinz Meister
ID BoardGameGeek 166927
Link pagina BoardGameGeek https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/166927/crash-cup-karambolage https://boardgamegeek.com/...