
Cucina Curiosa

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The world-famous cruiser ship Costa Curiosa is sailing the seas, and as the head chef of the Cucina Curiosa — the restaurant aboard this cruiser — your honorable job is to serve the guests the most delectable foods possible. It's the last day of the journey, and the award-winning lobsters are waiting in their aquarium for their performance. But all of a sudden, the alarm bell rings! The heavy sea tosses the ship about and mixes up all the kitchenettes. Even worse, the lobsters are able to flee from their aquarium! Catch them by getting the chaos under control, but avoid the slippery fishbones as they can quickly hold you back. Cucina Curiosa is a fast-paced tile-laying game. Every player has the same set of twenty tiles, showing kitchenettes and paths. Some of the tiles also show lobsters and fishbones. The game is played over sixteen turns. On every turn, the oldest player flips over one of his tiles, then the other players search for the same tile in their set, then everyone places the tile in his personal kitchen. Once sixteen tiles have been played, the game ends and players count their points. Every lobster that is connected to the entrance by paths is worth 1 point, but fishbones count negative for you, so you want to avoid them. The player with the most points wins!
Numero di giocatori 1-4
Scalabilità Migliore: 4 / 1-2-3-4
Durata 20-30 Min
Età consigliata 8+ / 6+
Peso (difficoltà) 1.20 / 5 - Leggero
Prezzo MSRP N/A €
Editore: Noris Spiele
Anno pubblicazione: 2015
Dipendenza lingua: Indipendente
Autori: Reiner Knizia


Stampa scheda
Titolo Cucina Curiosa
Categoria Giochi da Tavolo
Tipo di gioco Gioco base
Stato In produzione
Editore Noris Spiele
Prezzo MSRP € N/A
Voto della community di BoardGameGeek 6.6
Target Giochi per Famiglie
Tipologia Percorsi / Labirinti
Scalabilità Solitario
Per Due Giocatori
Per Tre Giocatori
Per Quattro Giocatori
Peso Leggero
Tematiche Cibo / Cucina / Bevande
Meccaniche Collezione Set - Costruzione Rete
Movimento - Tassellazione (Tessellation)
Dipendenza dalla lingua Indipendente
Anno di pubblicazione 2015
Giocatori minimi 1
Giocatori massimi 4
Età 8+
Età consigliata dalla community di BoardGameGeek 6+
Durata minima 20 min
Durata massima 30 min
Artisti Andrea Hofbeck
Fabia Zobel
Autori Reiner Knizia
ID BoardGameGeek 181194
Link pagina BoardGameGeek https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/181194/cucina-curiosa https://boardgamegeek.com/...