Deep Sea Adventure
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A group of poor explorers hoping to get rich quickly heads out to recover treasures from some undersea ruins. They're all rivals, but their budgets force them all to share a single rented submarine. In the rented submarine, they all have to share a single tank of air, as well. If they don't get back to the sub before they run out of air, they'll drop all their treasure. Now it's time to see who can bring home the greatest riches.
Game Objective
The game takes place over 3 rounds, and the player to gain the most points over the 3 rounds is the winner. In order to gain points, you must bring the most ruins chips back to the submarine. You can only return to the submarine once per round, and you cannot progress more after returning. You cannot return to the submarine without bringing any ruins chips.
Turn Progression
On their turns, players conduct steps 1-4 listed below. Players take turns, going clockwise around the board, and the round ends when all players have returned to the submarine, or if the air runs out at the beginning of someone's turn.
1) Declare if you will turn back or not.
2) Reduce air.
3) Roll the dice and advance your game piece.
4) Search. (When you have stopped moving, select one of A-C below)
A) Do nothing.
B) Pick up ruins chip.
C) Place a ruins chip.
Numero di giocatori | 2-6 |
Scalabilità | Nessun voto |
Durata | 30 Min |
Età consigliata | 8+ / 8+ |
Peso (difficoltà) | 1.19 / 5 - Leggero |
Prezzo MSRP | N/A € |
Editore: Oink Games
Anno pubblicazione: 2023
Dipendenza lingua: Indipendente
Autori: Jun Sasaki, Goro Sasaki
Artisti: Jun Sasaki
Stampa scheda
Titolo | Deep Sea Adventure |
Categoria | Giochi da Tavolo |
Tipo di gioco | Gioco base |
Stato | In produzione |
Editore | Oink Games |
Prezzo MSRP | € N/A |
Voto della community di BoardGameGeek | 6.9 |
Target | Giochi per Famiglie Giochi di Gruppo (Party Games) |
Tipologia | Esplorazione Giochi Basati sui Dadi |
Scalabilità | Nessun voto |
Peso | Leggero |
Tematiche | Abissi / Sottomarini Nautica |
Meccaniche | Movimento - Tira e Muovi (Roll and Move) |
Dipendenza dalla lingua | Indipendente |
Anno di pubblicazione | 2023 |
Giocatori minimi | 2 |
Giocatori massimi | 6 |
Età | 8+ |
Età consigliata dalla community di BoardGameGeek | 8+ |
Durata minima | 30 min |
Durata massima | 30 min |
Artisti | Jun Sasaki |
Autori | Jun Sasaki Goro Sasaki |
ID BoardGameGeek | 169654 |
Link pagina BoardGameGeek | https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/169654/deep-sea-adventure https://boardgamegeek.com/... |
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