
DOG Cards

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In DOG Cards, players need to create rows of number cards in front of them from 1 to 14. The first player to create two rows — or in a four-player game, the first team in which each teammate has created a row — wins. The deck consists of 104 number cards from 1-14 as well as 8 jokers and 8 thieves. To set up, each player receives a hand of seven or five cards (depending on the number of players) and a row of 13 cards is laid face up on the table; if any numbered card is in a position that matches its number — e.g., the number 2 in the second position — discard this card and replace it with another card from the deck. On a turn, a player takes one of five actions: Discard a number card, buy the card in this position from the face-up row, then draw a new card to fill this slot. A joker can buy any card. Start a new row with a 1/11 card or a 13 card, or add to an existing row. (In the team game, you can play on your row or your teammate's.) You must add the cards in ascending numerical order, with a joker substituting for any non-14 card. Swap a number card for a joker in someone's row, adding the joker to your hand. Use the special power of a card, with the thief allowing you to steal a card from the end of someone's row, the 14 netting you any card in the discard pile, the 7 grabbing one of the seven top cards in the deck, and the 4 buying any of the first eight face-up cards. Discard a card, then draw a new card from the top of the deck. When you complete a row by placing the 14, place the other thirteen cards in the discard pile, with discards being shuffled to form a new deck if needed.
Numero di giocatori 2-4
Scalabilità Migliore: 3 / 2-4
Durata 20 Min
Età consigliata 8+ / 5+
Peso (difficoltà) 1.29 / 5 - Leggero-Medio
Prezzo MSRP N/A €
Editore: Schmidt Spiele
Anno pubblicazione: 2014
Dipendenza lingua: Indipendente


Stampa scheda
Titolo DOG Cards
Categoria Giochi da Tavolo
Tipo di gioco Gioco base
Stato In produzione
Editore Schmidt Spiele
Prezzo MSRP € N/A
Voto della community di BoardGameGeek 5.8
Target Giochi per Famiglie
Tipologia Giochi di Carte
Scalabilità Per Due Giocatori
Per Tre Giocatori
Per Quattro Giocatori
Peso Leggero-Medio
Meccaniche Carte (meccaniche) - Gestione Mano
Dipendenza dalla lingua Indipendente
Anno di pubblicazione 2014
Giocatori minimi 2
Giocatori massimi 4
Età 8+
Età consigliata dalla community di BoardGameGeek 5+
Durata minima 20 min
Durata massima 20 min
Autori Wolfgang Kramer
Michael Kiesling
ID BoardGameGeek 165587
Link pagina BoardGameGeek https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/165587/dog-cards https://boardgamegeek.com/...