
San Juan

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San Juan is a card game based on Puerto Rico. The deck of 110 cards consists of production buildings (indigo, sugar, tobacco, coffee, and silver) and "violet" buildings that grant special powers or extra victory points. Cards from the hand can be either built or used as money to build something else; cards from the deck are used to represent goods produced by the production buildings, in which case they are left face-down. A seven-card hand limit is enforced once per round. In each round (or governorship), each player in turn selects from one of the available roles, triggering an event that usually affects all players, such as producing goods or constructing buildings. The person who picks the role gets a privilege, such as producing more goods or building more cheaply. Though similar in concept to Puerto Rico, the game has many different mechanisms. In particular, the game includes no colonists and no shipping of goods; goods production and trading are normally limited to one card per phase; and trades cannot be blocked. Victory points are gained exclusively by building, and the game ends as soon as one player has put up twelve buildings. This second edition of San Juan includes all the cards of the original game as well as the additional building cards from the alea Treasure Chest but not the event cards from that expansion. This edition also contains a new building card not previously available: "The Hut," a building that grants a card when nothing is sold in the trader phase.
Numero di giocatori 2-4
Scalabilità Migliore: 3 / 2-4
Durata 45-60 Min
Età consigliata 10+ / 10+
Peso (difficoltà) 2.09 / 5 - Medio
Prezzo MSRP N/A €
Editore: Giochi Uniti
Anno pubblicazione: 2015
Dipendenza lingua: Alta


Stampa scheda
Titolo San Juan
Categoria Giochi da Tavolo
Tipo di gioco Gioco base
Stato In produzione
Editore Giochi Uniti
Prezzo MSRP € N/A
Voto della community di BoardGameGeek 7.4
Target Giochi per Giocatori Abituali
Tipologia City Building
Gestione Aziendale
Giochi di Carte
Scalabilità Per Due Giocatori
Per Tre Giocatori
Per Quattro Giocatori
Peso Medio
Tematiche Tropicale
Meccaniche Azioni - Draft
Azioni - Seguire (Azioni / Ruoli Condivisi)
Carte (meccaniche) - Carte Multiuso
Carte (meccaniche) - Gestione Mano
Ordine di Turno - Fasi Intervallate vs Sequenziali
Dipendenza dalla lingua Alta
Anno di pubblicazione 2015
Giocatori minimi 2
Giocatori massimi 4
Età 10+
Età consigliata dalla community di BoardGameGeek 10+
Durata minima 45 min
Durata massima 60 min
Artisti Harald Lieske
Mia Steingräber
Autori Andreas Seyfarth
ID BoardGameGeek 166669
Link pagina BoardGameGeek https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/166669/san-juan-second-edition https://boardgamegeek.com/...