
Wacky Challenge

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From the publisher's website : With this new game of the Smart line, you are about to embark on a crazy race! During 5 turns, you will try to reach as many stopover towns as possible using the different vehicles available. Each player has 5 cards in hand that show a vehicle and a route section with a number of steps. Each one of the players gets the 5 vehicles. A hierarchy, which will evolve during the game, indicates which vehicle is the fastest for the turn. To begin, the players choose simultaneously a “Vehicle” card from their hand and reveal it. The player who has selected the fastest vehicle chooses first the route card that comprises the most steps, among the available ones. The other players take turn doing the same. The last player to choose his route section will be able to use his booster, which is a power specific to the pilot he controls, as a support for the following turn. The played “Vehicle” cards become available “Route” cards for the following turn, which can now begin. You will have to plan in which order you will play your vehicles, according to your booster and the route sections at stake. After the 5th turn, the player whose route crosses most steps wins the game.
Numero di giocatori 2-7
Scalabilità Nessun voto
Durata 7 Min
Età 7+ / Nessun voto
Peso (difficoltà) 1.50 / 5 - Leggero-Medio
Prezzo MSRP N/A €
Editore: Ilopeli
Anno pubblicazione: 2015
Dipendenza lingua: Indipendente
Autori: Jim Dratwa
Artisti: Ismaël Pommaz


Stampa scheda
Titolo Wacky Challenge
Categoria Giochi da Tavolo
Tipo di gioco Gioco base
Stato In produzione
Editore Ilopeli
Prezzo MSRP € N/A
Voto della community di BoardGameGeek 5.6
Target Giochi per Famiglie
Tipologia Corsa agli Obiettivi
Giochi di Carte
Logistica / Trasporto
Scalabilità Nessun voto
Peso Leggero-Medio
Meccaniche Ordine di Turno - Fasi Intervallate vs Sequenziali
Ordine di Turno - Scelte Simultanee
Dipendenza dalla lingua Indipendente
Anno di pubblicazione 2015
Giocatori minimi 2
Giocatori massimi 7
Età 7+
Durata minima 7 min
Durata massima 7 min
Artisti Ismaël Pommaz
Autori Jim Dratwa
ID BoardGameGeek 176011
Link pagina BoardGameGeek https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/176011/wacky-challenge https://boardgamegeek.com/...