
Zombicide: Black Plague - Special Guest Box: Adrian Smith

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A box set of four Zombicide: Black Plague survivors that were designed by Adrian Smith, and come from his highly acclaimed graphic novel The Chronicles of HATE. The survivors include: Cul'Nar Jorvak Sha'Keel Gurbak Adrian Smith (born 1969 in England, United Kingdom) is a illustrator/concept designer living in Scotland. Best known for his work with Games Workshop and numerous similar companies, Adrian has also done concept design work for computer games companies such as THQ , EA, RIOT, Gameloft and others. Other credits include a short comic series in France written by Pat Mills and book illustrations alongside renowned artists from around the world. Recently Adrian has been self publishing, the first project being his art book “Illuminations”, and a series of graphic novels called ‘Chronicles of HATE’, book 1 came out to great reviews and book 2 is on the way. More recently he has been working with a board game company called Guillotine games. In addition to personal projects, he still finds time for freelance work with various companies.
Numero di giocatori 1-6
Scalabilità Nessun voto
Durata 60 Min
Età 13+ / Nessun voto
Peso (difficoltà) 2.00 / 5 - Medio
Prezzo MSRP N/A €
Editore: Guillotine Games
Anno pubblicazione: 2015
Artisti: Adrian Smith


Stampa scheda
Titolo Zombicide: Black Plague - Special Guest Box: Adrian Smith
Categoria Giochi da Tavolo
Tipo di gioco Espansione
Stato In produzione
Editore Guillotine Games
Prezzo MSRP € N/A
Voto della community di BoardGameGeek 8
Target Giochi Family+
Scalabilità Nessun voto
Peso Medio
Tematiche Fantasy
Meccaniche Azioni - Poteri Variabili
Azioni - Punti Azione
Carte (meccaniche) - Gestione Mano
Strutture di Gioco - Giochi Cooperativi
Anno di pubblicazione 2015
Giocatori minimi 1
Giocatori massimi 6
Età 13+
Durata minima 60 min
Durata massima 60 min
Artisti Adrian Smith
ID BoardGameGeek 179256
Link pagina BoardGameGeek https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/179256/zombicide-black-plague-special-guest-box-adrian-sm https://boardgamegeek.com/...